Visual Arts MHS gr.10

This is where you can find course work and guidelines for Millwood High's Visual Arts 10 course. Stay tuned!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Stuff you need to work on:

1. Template for your powerpoint - create each slide (title and explanation of each artwork).

2. Write interview questions for your amateur artist exam project.

3. Finish part B of Canadian Forgery Project (scroll down...)

4. Choose one of the following projects to do as a bonus:

a) Using windows movie maker create a 2 minute movie that uses artworks as your visuals. Make sure your video has a cool theme. Add sound if you can.
b) Do the above (a) using powerpoint.
c) Create an animation using powerpoint. Make sure it looks great and is waaaay smart!

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Canadian Painting Forgery Project:
Part A: Do this today.

Today choose the painter & painting for your forgery project.
Show your choice to me.

Copy and paste the painting in to a Word document. Enlarge the image so that it is about 8x10 inches. Print it in colour.
If you do not have a colour printer at home, I can print a copy for you at Staples (it might cost you $1 though).

Part B: Do this in your sketchbook - 10%

Write 250 word biography on your chosen artist (it absolutely MUST be in your own words).
Write a 100 word explanation of the artist's painting style (is it highly realistic? What is the artist trying to convey or explore? What kind of brushstrokes do they use? What kinds of colours? What are the atmospheres of this painter's work like: Sombre? Light? Fun? Eerie? etc.)

Also do this today:

Digital Portfolio - worth 10% of your Visual Arts 10 exam

Create a powerpoint presentation of all artwork you created this semester.
Due: January 26th.

The very first slide should have your name, course and title (digital portfolio).
Then create slides for each art project (large & small) that you have done this year. On each slide paste a digital photo of your artwork (for example: Tonal Shaded Drawing slide would have a picture of your shaded drawing and a couple of sentences that describes what you have done).

Here are a few slide titles to start with:

Shoe Drawing
Upside Down Drawing
Shaded Tonal Drawing
Stencil Graffiti
Letter Graffiti
Mixed Media Project

Hints: Each slide should be clear and professional looking. Be sure to spellcheck.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Digital Portfolio: Exam Project #1

Create a powerpoint slide show of each artwork & exercise you did this semester. First, using powerpoint create a template (keep it fairly simple). Second, take a digital photos of your work. Third, insert a photo on each slide and include a title and two or three sentences that explain what you did. Try to include a couple of photos of you working or your projects in progress. Save your digital portfolio on your drive as you create it. Make it look as professional as possible.

Here are two examples of of straight forward digital portfolios.

Example #1

Example #2

Canadian Painting Forgery Project

1. Click the link below and watch the slideshow (click the bottom right icon to get the show started). Carefully read each slide, slowly and closely examine each painting.

2. Copy and paste each of the links (one is general Canadian painters, the other is for Nova Scotia artists) on the last slide.

3.Search at least ten of the artists. Copy and paste the names (and painting examples) of the ten that you explored. You can always do more....

4. Finally choose an artist whose work appeals to you. Choose one of their paintings that you would like to create an exact copy of - this is called a forgery (forgery: noun —
(the crime of) copying pictures, documents, signatures, etc. and pretending they are genuine).
Start an information file on your chosen artist (collect biography info, painting info, quotes and at least 5+ of their paintings).

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Canadian Painting Forgery Project

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

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